Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Career Assessment Do's And Don'ts

By Tony Jacowski

As a child, you probably thought you were sure about your goals in life. However, your thought process and priorities may have changed today. This may be a result of the realization that your skills and interests have changed with time. If you are unsure of what career you would like to pursue, a career assessment can guide you towards the right career. It helps you identify your strengths, interests and weaknesses.

Career Assessment Tools

Career assessment tools can give your career some direction. The tools consist of several questionnaires and tests that help you in discovering your interests and skills. If you are not sure about the nature of job you want to do, then you can go through these tests and identify the possible career choices open to you. You can also find these career 'discovery' tests on the Internet. The assessment test for college and school students consists of career and academic planning. There are assessment tools for people who want to change their present career, and for fresh candidates in search of a job.

Career counselors can also help you in the assessment, through counseling sessions and various related assessment tools. These counseling sessions are meant to make you aware of your natural flair and aptitude. They help you to identify your interests and match them with your strengths.


If you are planning on taking an online assessment test then make sure that you compare several tests, in order to find the one that suits your requirements. You can also attempt more than one test. Once you have taken the test, remember to keep a print out of all the results so that it is easy for you to compare and make the right career decision. If you are using the help of a career counselor, then they can administer and interpret the assessment. Keep tabs on the results since the final decision is yours. Attempting a career assessment test can be a very enlightening process, as you get to discover a lot about yourself. So the key is to enjoy the whole process and have fun!


Do not indulge in only one assessment test. Try several tests so that you get to learn more about yourself. This will also help you in determining the most reliable test that provided you with the desired result. Always remember that you cannot rely completely on the career assessment tests and questionnaires to make a career decision. They can only provide the initial guidance. If an online test reveals something that you feel is untrue, then do not accept it. It is best to disregard that piece of information. Do not consider the online assessment alone for guidance. Seek advice from a counselor as well. If you are a college student you can avail of an inexpensive access to a counselor. They not only guide you but even help in interpreting the results of assessment tests. Your skills and interests may change with time, so it is essential to attempt a career assessment periodically.

Tony Jacowski is a quality analyst for The MBA Journal. Aveta Solutions - Six Sigma Online ( ) offers online six sigma training and certification classes for lean six sigma, black belts, green belts, and yellow belts.

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